Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Book: Freeeeeeedom

So, turns out that in the end, Cleopatra kills herself. I hope I didn't ruin the ending for anyone. Also, Egypt isn't so resplendent anymore, and as it continues to erode, both in landscape and government trust, I've started a new book.
So far, it is a page turning book about unhappiness and settling. Also marital stress and poor child rearing. I know, I'm doing a really good job of selling it. It is interesting, and it is making my metro rides seem a lot shorter, but I can't tell if I would have enjoyed it coming off of another piece of fiction. After Cleopatra, I needed an easy read. This one is easy mentally, but a little stressful emotionally. Even if I can't relate to the main character's (so far) life, I feel like I know people who could. And that's a little depressing. 

Just to talk about a specific part of the book for a second, Patty (the so far main character) writes an autobiography that is the second chapter of the book. It is at the recommendation of her therapist to, I think, sort of put life in perspective.  Sounds kind of familiar to this blog doesn't it. Someone stop me if I start using this as a medium to rant or complain or talk myself out of owning the blame for something. Because I'd like to do that to her right now.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

As if I needed another reason to think this city was cool

I've lived in four cities: Henderson, NC; Chapel Hill, NC; Richmond, VA; and Washington DC. I like to tell people I'm moving my way up the East coast one city at a time (and if you know your geography well enough, just ignore the fact that Henderson is North of Chapel Hill, please.) Though I'll probably keep using that line when I'm on the phone with media reps in NYC, I don't actually think I'll make it much further North. I mean is supposed to snow tomorrow on March 30. Why in the heck would I want to subject myself to colder climates than here. I digress. When I titled this post cool was not meant to define the weather.

This city is cool because of the people who live here. Really smart people. People who aren't from here but want to make it here. It is a gathering place both tangibly and intangibly for great minds. Take this band: Bluebrain. They are a DC based band who just created a location aware album that will be downloaded through GPS enabled smartphones apps. The album will play specific songs depending on where you are within the National Mall. I mean really, I'm sure they weren't the first to think that Lincoln has a different soundtrack than Washington, but they certainly were the first to do something about it. Heard about this through Brand Flakes for Breakfast

Friday, March 25, 2011

There's something about being 20-something

Today, a friend sent me an article about being 20-something. It was scarily true. It was accurate to the point of knowing my cross streets, Overpriced and Dangerous, and knowing about the duvet cover that I finally bought from Crate and Barrel instead of Target. The article felt entitled, like me, and for no apparent reason, like me. It may sound simple, but sometimes reading an article about being 20-something, makes you slow down and appreciate being 20-something. It at least makes you stop thinking for a moment about the raise you deserve or the career goal you haven't met, and appreciate the people you have met and the lack of acne on your face, and the warm, duvet-covered bed you crawl into at night with the person that finally means something.

Check the article out at Thought Catalogue

Also check out the article from the NYT it mentions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An ironic excuse for not working out last night

Last night instead of working out, I went to the DC Fit Week Expo at The Sports Club/LA with a coworker. Ironic? First of all, if I was a member of that gym, I might not find so many reasons not to work out. Amazing facilities, totally covetable bodies (and wallets) and a yummy snack bar! (Again, ironic?) There were vendors there from W Girls DC and their Girls on the Run charity, work out clothing from Lime Active Wear and Pacers, and an amazing 10 day yoga retreat in Puerto Rico that I'm going to tell my mom we are doing. That's right. Tell her. Really cool event and overall, a much more productive way to avoid working out than the previous night.
Picture from Yelp
CoCo Sala Mint Mojito with chocolate flakes on top 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Why I discovered I liked reading after college

Well, to be fair, probably after high school, but basically reading history makes either my mind wander or makes me sleepy. I've been reading Cleopatra (by Stacy Schiff) for weeks now.

It is really good, and totally makes me want to visit Egypt--though probably a more resplendent city in 46 BC than present day. It is a history book, though. It references sources, mainly Plutarch, and brings up names that I should have remembered from 20 pages ago, but don't, but mainly makes me yearn for well written fiction. 

I can't deny the images some of the text evokes. How could you not day dream when reading of how Cleopatra received Mark Antony for the first time "creating a spectacles that has seldom been equaled for beauty." Especially the "elaborate constellation of lights strung overhead." How am I supposed to resist?!
Saved these for non-blog use and now I don't know the source! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seeking: Perfectly sized Bento Box

I already knew I could look at clothes for hours. Also home design blogs. And sometimes menus. But lunches in bento boxes, that's a little weird.

Seriously though, this is the most satisfying, creatively packed and organized lunch I've ever seen. via Judy on Flickr

And there are more. A whole Flickr group dedicated to this.  Where have I been? And where can I find one of those? Sandwich bags, your days are numbered.

To Do

I wrote on my TeuxDeux to start writing on the blog more. I can't seem to figure out a rhythm for writing. I love to write. I think of something I want to share everyday. I just don't write it anywhere. I also wrote on my TeuxDeux to start using TeuxDeux. via swiss-miss

Something that I put on my list this morning that is already crossed off: register for TEDxCaptial. Looking forward to this awesome-ness.I didn't even know there was an I-Generation and now I'm going to listen to very smart people talk about it.

I have a strange amount of energy today. I feel like this: