I've lived in four cities: Henderson, NC; Chapel Hill, NC; Richmond, VA; and Washington DC. I like to tell people I'm moving my way up the East coast one city at a time (and if you know your geography well enough, just ignore the fact that Henderson is North of Chapel Hill, please.) Though I'll probably keep using that line when I'm on the phone with media reps in NYC, I don't actually think I'll make it much further North. I mean seriously...it is supposed to snow tomorrow on March 30. Why in the heck would I want to subject myself to colder climates than here. I digress. When I titled this post cool was not meant to define the weather.
This city is cool because of the people who live here. Really smart people. People who aren't from here but want to make it here. It is a gathering place both tangibly and intangibly for great minds. Take this band: Bluebrain. They are a DC based band who just created a location aware album that will be downloaded through GPS enabled smartphones apps. The album will play specific songs depending on where you are within the National Mall. I mean really, I'm sure they weren't the first to think that Lincoln has a different soundtrack than Washington, but they certainly were the first to do something about it. Heard about this through Brand Flakes for Breakfast
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