I've decided to start blogging again, even if no one reads it. There are three reasons:
1) Looking back at my posts from Spring, I have actually obtained several of the products that I featured. This has made me realize that when I think about what I want long enough before I get it, I will still like the product in 6 months at least.
2) I want to brush up on my writing skills. Lately, the thought that I've been so focused on advertising since the beginning of college has scared me. Living in DC, I am surrounded by incredibly smart people who are well rounded in arts, politics, and whatever their day job is--probably politics, so maybe they just have one other interest. So I decided I should have other interests too. New aspiration keeping me entertained--volunteering to be a grant writer for a non-profit.
3) My final reason for reenergizing this blog is because I have been reading nonstop--a great perk of metro riding. Yesterday I finished The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao. I'm not English major, so I'm not going to dissect the inner meaning of the book, but I appreciated the not so happy ending, and the use Spanish scattered throughout the prose to help me relate to the struggles of family lineage and immigration. Before that I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Awesome book that made me rethink what life after death will be like. I also have a slight fasination with books written from a possibly austistic child's point of view--The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night is another.
So, anyway, I hope that is reason enough for me to start writing. But since no one is reading except for maybe my mom, I don't really need an excuse, do I?